Audible.Com Deal for Yamada Books

Yamada_BTG_cover-V06b-PrimeNow that all the t’s are dotted and eyes crossed, I can announce here that Audible.Com and Prime Books have signed a deal for audio editions of several books in the Prime Books catalogue, including works by Ekaterina Sedia, Rudy Rucker, and the first two Yamada Monogatari books, Demon Hunter and To Break the Demon Gate (due in out in December of this year).

So now there will be audiobook editions of both books in addition to the print and ebook editions. It’s possible that the third in the series, The War God’s Son, will also have an Audible edition, but that’s yet to be determined. The deal was negotiated by Jennifer Jackson for the Donald Maass Agency, and you can read their announcement here. Also, Prime now has pre-order information for To Break the Demon Gate at their site, so now you can select another vendor if you’re avoiding Amazon at the moment. It is, after all, not the only game in town.
